My status

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Finally Done


All I can say is WOW! Months of planning, preparation & configuration all came down to our large Datacenter migration project this past weekend. Overall, it was an amazing success and absolute tribute to the highly skilled, motivated and dedicated personnel we have working across all teams within our IT Dept. The arduous preparation could not blunt the brutal 36+ hour straight shift we had to pull to get the Datacenter where it needed to be after the arrival of trucks on Friday evening. Trying to work, think & make sound decisions in a hectic environment that hovered continuously around 55F was not an easy nor enviable task.

GPS Track from ATL to Montgomery, AL (Spot GPS on Truck)

So finally after nearly a year of site planning, construction & execution...the Datacenter is in production & another chapter of challenging tasks has been written. Cheers

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