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Monday, April 5, 2021


I remember the moments stretched out before me as your body once did...Your hair, eyes and glances captivating every facet of my senses.... every corner of my soul....filling every deficit in my heart.

I remember the calm, the peace and the immediate and unconditional acceptance of everything you were and everything you thought you weren't....

I felt your heart as easily as I felt your flesh...

It was fluid, moving and vulnerable...but always perfect. The utopian meshing of two kindred souls, bodies and spirits in moments that I cannot explain away as mere convenience, mere opportunities, mere occurrences... 

For Perfection is never incidental.

Alas, when you bare your soul to another, you unleash all of yourself... the parts that you want to show, to put on display....and the portions of yourself that you hide from the world. Shrouding them from sight in fear, shame, guilt, hurt or a willingness not to be judged.

A desire to be loved... Simply and completely.

In a way, we all just want to be seen...

We hurt each other. Now we must remedy one another through love, not desertion. We must take the time to heal, but not time to forget... For love knows no boundaries, no time and no space...

It exists solely for its own sake, its own growth and harvest...

The world may never comprehend our moments and you may cast them aside as happenstance, devious, disruptive and misguided, but the true memories will forever echo in the chambers of truth where no one can erase.... or belittle their existence...

I sit here waiting for my friend...

Believing in the promise of your words...

Holding on to the memories and moments that so effortlessly washed between the shores of our souls.....

Longing for your voice, your smile, your touch, your friendship....

Your perfection...