Say hello to my little friend!
I picked up this working 1941 Emerson Electric Cast-Iron fan in need of dis-assembly, cleaning & restoration for only $10.00 --- Ones in good condition sell at these antique shops for well over $100, and I saw an exact version today on the same street in this antique village for $250.00!
I think I am going to clean it up, do a full overhaul on the electrical, but leave some of the vintage antique patina. The original paint is still mostly intact. It has good character & for an item that is 69 years old & should be a fun project.
Cheers to a rare deal on a true antique!
Hi, I found your blog when searching for info on how to rewire my 1941 Emerson. The wire that runs from the switch to the interior has completely broken. How do I get to the inside of the fan to remove it and where did you order your new cloth wire from?
Thanks, Paul
Lafayette, LA
Paul, I am going to email you the answers. To replace the wiring, you need to open the base and get to the speed unit and on the motor/head unit side, you need to remove the back cover to get to the wires going to the stator.
The wire can be purchased from a great company called SUNDIALWIRE.
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