My status

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Sadly Inept.

Drown me. The incessant emotions coupled with my inability to help you relinquish your pain, paralyze my steps. Watching the cathartic burning of your past and the growing anxiety of present are almost too much to bear witness to at this point. Ineptly, I respond to your words, your pleas for understanding...for clarity and support through the darkness....

I am here. Sadly, I know that is not sufficient. 
I am here. Believing it will be just enough to keep you together...
I am here. Longing to hold you and convince you that this process is for your own healing.
I am here. Believing in you and all you are and all you are not, equally.
I am here. Through the darkness and the light.

For you, I remain here. Reeling from the waves that attempt to capsize my presence here in this place.
Knowing this is not about my walk, but the very essence of your survival, I stand steadfast. 

Forevermore, I remain.

1 comment:

healingsoul said...

Love this so much!!!!

I am here! ..... through it all...